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I heard the drums of thunder, 
the sound of a hundred marching fleets. 
As men of ancient valor 
marched through our system streets.
They marched in holiest fellowship,
They mix from many distant lands.

Their trumpets raged the morning, 
With their Grim Marching band.
Like pillagers of harvest,
Their fame is far abroad,
As gray remorseless troopers,
They plunder and maraud.

The flowers wilt before them;
The dust coats their machines;
Their marching stills the universe;
Their guns loaded with Dreaded Dreams.
Always marching, to the lockstep of time.

Join the March, see the universe meet intresting people and kill them.






Join the March, see the universe, meet interesting people and kill them.

Grim March was created in 2009 by Captain Africa and aims to be a small to medium size industrial & mercenary orientated corporation.



Back ground :


The first Grim steps taken was somewhere in August 2009. Most Grim leadership as you know today were rookies then and formed part of a corporation called Messerschmitt Inc. It was our first big move to 0.0 somewhere in Providence. The alliance we belonged to couldn’t be bothered about new corporations fresh out of high sec. It was a slaughter on a daily basis, as reds came down the pipe attacking our systems with little resistance. To make matters worse our CEO and good friend Alucart Strat was not very active at the stage. With the lack of formal leadership and fierce competition between members to lead, our corporation drifted like deadwood down the New Eden stream. 

 Captain Africa resigned as member from Messerschmitt Inc and approached Khujo a friend and key member in Messerschmitt Inc to join him on this new adventure. “Initially I was met with a lot of resistance as expected, eventually I slew Khujo’s loyalty and others followed.” Capt. Africa

Grim March was founded on the 7 of October 2009. Initially “IT WAS A GRIM MARCH”! 
The remaining leadership of Messerschmitt Inc retaliated to this act of mutiny as expected and immediately war decked our new found corporation Grim March.“We were running, recruiting and shooting! Khujo and I complimented each other; his strong points were my weak points and visa versa. I was the creator he was the care taker, I was the cheese on the pizza and he was the base, our differences were bound in the lock step of time”. Capt. Africa

As weeks passed by, more leadership of Messerschmitt Inc joined Grim March. These are members, considered to be the founders of a constitution that prevailed for years and will for years to come. Some of these founding members are Copa Cabana , Lars Lazerus ,Isaac Kleiner , Neutronis and Evlone .



























                                                              Old Grim Enterprizes Alliance Logo To New Grim Alliancce  Logo




Achievements :


Since the founding days this corporation marched a long way through the system streets of New Eden. In the early days Grim March dominated in the Khanid Prime Region by uniting the corporations there under the Grim Enterprises alliance.

Grim March played an active role in creating and maintaining the Spanish Inquisition Coalition. We mobilized our alliance together with other alliances and marched to Querios under the Spanish Inquisition flag where we fought some of the biggest Alliances in Eve for SOV. After a year of grinding wars we established a home in null sec for our alliance, where Grim Enterprises maintained SOV for nearly a year. 

In the spirit of Eve, Grim March together with the rest of the Spanish Coalition was back stabbed by Atlas, at the time a power house in Eve. Despite this devastating blow Grim March was the only corporation that remained in null sec fighting for what we called “home” against Super Alliances hundred times our number. This dark horse called Querios crippled Grim March to the very bone and the only members that remained were the core.

Regardless we kept marching ...and later that year Grim March joined another alliance called Space Monkey Alliance (SMA). Grim March rose like a phoenix out of the ashes, our pilots topped the SMA alliance kill board list on a monthly basis, new members joined us and as a corporation we grew bigger than our previous alliance. Some of our core members quickly rose in the SMA alliance corporate ladder and obtained top leadership positions.

SMA alliance forms part of the CFC coalition, one of the biggest coalitions in New Eden. Grim March played an active role in the campaigns the Coalition launched, from securing a home in Branch to expanding its territory that encompass almost half of New Eden.

That March is all in the past, what you as members of Grim do today will determine our future. Your actions will determine our future history. Grim March is your corporation, you are the pen writing on these empty pages, may it at the very least be a good read.



Grim March  Today :




It was pulsating magnificently with bright crystal colours.  

Surely this must be the gates to heaven or hell I distinctly

thought as blood rushed  through my veins, feeling every

nerve ending amplified by a thousand times.


The Lady Luck’s (An old Megathron war horse battle ship) hull was

stressing under pressure like a piano string as we entered the Athra.

 “Were at zero and entering Admiral” the navigator announced.   


This moment in a vast universe, so brilliant. A journey where

this was the pinnacle of my existence. A flash of pure ecstasy, as

reality was bend. A sudden haze washed over my senses like a

warm blanket... time stood still in the bubble called zy901.


I only saw a glimpse of it , then there was an  unbearable

 screeching noise  that cut through the fibre of  sound . In the

corner of this now distant delight I saw Anundra my first lieutenant,

tearing and ripping at her face as her bloody fingers worked her

grace. Then with scorching aluminous light I could smell flesh fusing

with flashing light.  I could feel my teeth shattering as my hand reached

for the emergency... I was too late.


Gliding through ancient heavenly cities like a falling star, I saw the first

and last moment in time, in the future, a shimmering light.

It draws me, falling towards it at the speed of light.


 The distant sound of a pace maker blurs in my head like a watch tower

over stormy seas. The overwhelming smell of nanites forces my lungs to

burst open in a bloody cough.


CAPTAIN..... You’re awake.  We scanned the beacon of your POD, You

should be thankful your clone made it out alive. The directional picked

up on the sleeper that smashed your ship ....were hunting it down.


Oh ...and welcome to Judgement City.                                                                       






Grim leadership discovered the huge potential wormholes has and established a wormhole wing in a C3 wormhole (low sec static) that has been lucratively active for the last 3 years. Wormhole life with its highs and lows forms an integral part of Grim Culture.


We invite and encourage pilots of Grim March to make use of the wormhole and experience small gang PVP first hand. The C3 dubbed “Judgement City “offers planetary interaction, a very lucrative industry in New Eden (especially in wormholes) and can be used to subsidise PVP in our corporation.

Together with mining, anomaly sites can be scanned down where sleepers reside. Killing sleepers and looting ancient ruins can be one of the most risky but rewarding careers in New Eden .Hunting in Judgement city can make or break you, be warned.


Judgement City is a super POS geared primarily for manufacturing and ranges from fuel block to capital ship manufacturing.  Judgement City also offers mega storage facilities and has Death Star defence capabilities.

Citizenship to Judgement City can be very rewarding, however good scanning skills together with transport capabilities are a requirement for any pilots interested.


Dust 514


Grim March has been actively involved in Dust 514 since the day CCP moved this console based MMOFPS to Tranquillity. Grim leadership believes that Dust 514 with its mercenaries will shape the core of the New Eden Universe.


The Core of Grim March Mercenaries is considered elite by most New Eden Residents. The Grim Core Members offers a professional service to its clients ready to fight for the highest bidder.


The majority of Grim March Corporation supports the Amarr Empire or any other institution that is aligned with the Amarr Empire in Factional Warfare.


Grim March will continue to support Dust 514 in every possible way and will utilize every aspect the game offers. We believe that integration between Eve and Dust is crucial for the longevity of both genres.



Grim March Future :


The main goal of Grim March is to provide a gaming platform in New Eden for young and old where you as player can have fun and immerge yourself in everything this universe can throw at you. We aim to be a “one stop shop” involving our members with as many activities as possible.


The main areas we would like to excel in:


  1. Wormholes

  • Manufacturing and combat operations where profits can be used to fuel Ground and Air PVP and PVE.

  • Encourage complete Immersion into this space science fiction world.

  1. Hired Guns

    • Grim March is a Mercenary Corporation with Elite Pilots and Mercs that would be interested in small to medium size confrontations (contracts) anywhere in New Eden.

    • Grim specializes in small gang combat and the corporation will continue to support and improve in this field of warfare.

  2. Grim March will expand its powerbase through Planetary Conquest.

  3. Increase standings with Factions across new Eden through PVE.

    • Especially in the following regions Amarr , Caldari & Khanid Space.

  4. To become an important link in the New Eden Economy by providing quality products and services at competitive prices.

  5. To align Grim March with a respectable alliance and expand our network of friends in new Eden.

  6. Grow the Grim March Brand and broaden our player base.



Leadership Style & Structure :


Our leadership style varies from very relaxed and informal to a more autocratic style during war times. Grim Leadership pride itself to be more strategic thinkers than the gun blazing type but we never say no to a good fight.


We believe there needs to be a healthy balance between New Eden and real life, where the latter always comes first and will never kick a member taking time off. We consider loyalty and trust as the most important commodities in Grim March.


Grim Leadership Structure:

·         CEO

·         2IC

·         Directors

·         Executives ( Alts of senior leadership)

·         Fighting Commanders


Grim Elite:

·         Grim Vader’s – For exceptional contribution or achievement


Grim Support Structure:

·         Team Leaders

·         Fleet and Squad Leadership

·         Marshals – General Mentors

·         Quarter Masters – Specialized Mentors


Grim Membership Structure:

·         Grim Veterans

·         Grim Core

·         Grim Members


The most important role of leadership in Grim March is to act as a facilitator for every “Grimmer” and ensure leadership is primarily there to guarantee a good gaming experience for the majority of its members.





Grim March recruits in all time zones, our two main active groups are in GMT (Europe & Africa)  and to a lesser extend CST (USA). We encourage our member base to form and operate in small groups with a squad or team leader. For bigger activities or major events everyone works together.


Most pilots of Grim March are veterans with years of experience in New Eden. Every member manages his own business unit however any activities requiring additional resources the whole corporation helps out. We do accept applications from newbie’s however they need to be aware that we do not spoon feed our new members. The best way to learn Eve is through your own crusade and spending lots of time reading forums and Eve Wiki.


The Dust side of the corporation is a lot more newbie friendly where new players can join daily squads with veterans.

Our member base ranges from easy going players to very dedicated players. Our only motto is to have fun.


To step into the March send your application to Captain Africa or any director within Grim March.

For Eve pilots we require a full API to do security checks.






















                                                                                   Grim CEO - Captain Africa



Many thanks to Harry Filth Green for the Grim March track and all member contributions to this site.

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